

Engine management and mechanical ignition

Product Information

Modern vehicles are increasingly reliant on engine management system components such as ignition parts to operate efficiently and effectively. Functions such as ignition timing, fuelling, and emissions are all controlled by the engine control unit (ECU), which relies on accurate readings from a multitude of sensors to operate these functions at the optimum level. Failure of any engine management component can lead to issues with fuel efficiency, driveability, or some cases prevent running altogether.

Thanks to our long association with mechanical ignition parts means, our ranges are constantly introduced and updated to keep pace with modern engine management system developments. We offer expert technical support and extensive range coverage. 

Fuel pumps 

The fuel pump supplies fuel to the engine and is fitted into or near to the tank on petrol injection vehicles and Lucas always apply the most advanced treatments to provide the highest quality. Lucas fuel pumps are available in Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.


The Lucas range covers a comprehensive range of sensors to monitor engine position, exhaust pressure, accelerator pedal, MAP and boost pressure, temperature, exhaust gas, knock, level and throttle position. Availabe in Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Ignition coils

The ignition coil transforms the battery voltage (usually 12 volts) to at least the 10,000 volts necessary to produce a spark at the plugs, and in some applications as much as 40,000 volts. Lucas offers a competitive solution for every type of coil in the market. Available in Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand